Package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object

Interface Summary
CameraAdjustableGainCapabilities Object representing the gain capabilities of a camera with a min and max integer value which specify a valid range.
CameraCapabilities Object representing all capabilities of a camera.
CameraCharacteristics Object representing all characteristics of a camera.
CameraDslrGainCapabilities Object representing the gain capabilities for DSLR cameras.
CameraGainCapabilities Object representing the gain capabilities of a camera.
DomeCapabilities Object representing all capabilities of a dome.
Entity Object representing any entity with only an identifier and a name.
FocuserCapabilities Object representing all capabilities of a focuser.
FocuserCharacteristics Object representing all characteristics of a focuser.
RotatorCapabilities Object representing all capabilities of a rotator.
RotatorCharacteristics Object representing all characteristics of a rotator.
TelescopeAxisRate Describes a range of rates supported by the moveAxis(TelescopeAxis, double) method.
TelescopeCapabilities Object representing all capabilities of a telescope.
TelescopeFeatures Object representing all features of a telescope.
TelescopeOpticalFeatures Object representing the optical features of a telescope.

Class Summary
HorizonLimits Object representing a limits of horizon at observing site.
ObservingSite Object representing an observing site on Earth.
TimeSynchronization Object containing all informations used for time synchronization.

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