Interface CameraCharacteristics

public interface CameraCharacteristics

Object representing all characteristics of a camera.

Jean-Philippe MINETTI

Method Summary
 short getBayerOffsetX()
          Returns the Bayer X offset index.
 short getBayerOffsetY()
          Returns the Y offset of the Bayer matrix, as defined in CameraOrbProcess.getSensorType(long).
 int getCameraXSize()
          Returns the width of the CCD camera chip in unbinned pixels.
 int getCameraYSize()
          Returns the height of the CCD camera chip in unbinned pixels.
 int getMaxAdu()
          Returns the maximum ADU value the camera can produce.
 double getPixelSizeX()
          Returns the width of the CCD chip pixels.
 double getPixelSizeY()
          Returns the height of the CCD chip pixels.
 String getSensorName()
          Returns the name of sensor used within the camera.

Method Detail


String getSensorName()
Returns the name of sensor used within the camera.

Returns the name (datasheet part number) of the sensor, e.g. ICX285AL. The format is to be exactly as shown on manufacturer data sheet, subject to the following rules. All letter shall be uppercase. Spaces shall not be included.

Any extra suffixes that define region codes, package types, temperature range, coatings, grading, color/monochrome, etc. shall not be included. For color sensors, if a suffix differentiates different Bayer matrix encodings, it shall be included.



The most common usage of this name is to select approximate color balance parameters to be applied to the Bayer matrix of one-shot color sensors. Application authors should assume that an appropriate IR cutoff filter is in place for color sensors.

It is recommended that this function be called only after a connection is established with the camera hardware, to ensure that the driver is aware of the capabilities of the specific camera model.

Name of sensor used within the camera.
NotConnectedException - Must throw an exception if the information is not available (Some drivers may require an active connection in order to retrieve necessary information from the camera).


double getPixelSizeX()
Returns the width of the CCD chip pixels.

Width of the CCD chip pixels in microns (µm).
NotConnectedException - Must throw exception if data unavailable.


double getPixelSizeY()
Returns the height of the CCD chip pixels.

Height of the CCD chip pixels in microns (µm).
NotConnectedException - Must throw exception if data unavailable.


int getCameraXSize()
Returns the width of the CCD camera chip in unbinned pixels.

Width of the CCD camera chip in unbinned pixels.
NotConnectedException - Must throw exception if the value is not known.


int getCameraYSize()
Returns the height of the CCD camera chip in unbinned pixels.

Height of the CCD camera chip in unbinned pixels.
NotConnectedException - Must throw exception if the value is not known.


short getBayerOffsetX()
Returns the Bayer X offset index.

Returns the X offset of the Bayer matrix, as defined in CameraOrbProcess.getSensorType(long). Value returned must be in the range 0 to M-1, where M is the width of the Bayer matrix. The offset is relative to the 0,0 pixel in the sensor array, and does not change to reflect subframe settings.

Bayer colour matrix X offset, as defined in CameraOrbProcess.getSensorType(long).
NotConnectedException - Must throw an exception if the information is not available (Some drivers may require an active connection in order to retrieve necessary information from the camera).
InvalidValueException - Must throw an exception if not valid.


short getBayerOffsetY()
Returns the Y offset of the Bayer matrix, as defined in CameraOrbProcess.getSensorType(long).

The offset is relative to the 0,0 pixel in the sensor array, and does not change to reflect subframe settings.

It is recommended that this function be called only after a connection is established with the camera hardware, to ensure that the driver is aware of the capabilities of the specific camera model.

Bayer colour matrix Y offset.
NotConnectedException - Must throw an exception if the information is not available (Some drivers may require an active connection in order to retrieve necessary information from the camera).
InvalidValueException - Must throw an exception if not valid.


int getMaxAdu()
Returns the maximum ADU value the camera can produce.

Maximum ADU value.
NotConnectedException - Must throw exception if data unavailable.

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