Interface TelescopeCapabilities

public interface TelescopeCapabilities

Object representing all capabilities of a telescope.

Jean-Philippe MINETTI

Method Summary
 boolean canFindHome()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed finding its home position ( TelescopeOrbProcess.findHome(long) method).
 boolean canMoveAxis(TelescopeAxis axis)
          Returns TRUE if the telescope can move the requested axis.
 boolean canPark()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed parking ( TelescopeOrbProcess.park(long) method).
 boolean canPulseGuide()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of software-pulsed guiding (via the TelescopeOrbProcess.pulseGuide(long, TelescopeGuideDirection, int) method).
 boolean canSetDeclinationRate()
          Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setDeclinationRate(long, double) method can be call to provide offset tracking in the declination axis.
 boolean canSetGuideRates()
          Returns TRUE if the guide rate properties used for TelescopeOrbProcess.pulseGuide(long, TelescopeGuideDirection, int) can be adjusted.
 boolean canSetPark()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed setting of its park position ( TelescopeOrbProcess.setPark(long) method).
 boolean canSetPierSide()
          Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setSideOfPier(long, TelescopePierSide) method can be call, meaning that the mount can be forced to flip.
 boolean canSetRightAscensionRate()
          Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setRightAscensionRate(long, double) method can be call to provide offset tracking in the right ascension axis.
 boolean canSetTracking()
          Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setTracking(long, boolean) method can be call, turning telescope sidereal tracking on and off.
 boolean canSlew()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) to equatorial coordinates.
 boolean canSlewAltAz()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) to local horizontal coordinates.
 boolean canSlewAltAzAsync()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing to local horizontal coordinates.
 boolean canSlewAsync()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing to equatorial coordinates.
 boolean canSync()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed synching to equatorial coordinates.
 boolean canSyncAltAz()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed synching to local horizontal coordinates.
 boolean canUnpark()
          Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed unparking ( TelescopeOrbProcess.park(long) method).

Method Detail


boolean canPark()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed parking ( TelescopeOrbProcess.park(long) method).

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed parking.


boolean canUnpark()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed unparking ( TelescopeOrbProcess.park(long) method).

If this is TRUE, then canPark() will also be true.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed unparking.


boolean canSetPark()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed setting of its park position ( TelescopeOrbProcess.setPark(long) method).

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed setting of its park position.


boolean canFindHome()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed finding its home position ( TelescopeOrbProcess.findHome(long) method).

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed finding its home position.


boolean canSetTracking()
Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setTracking(long, boolean) method can be call, turning telescope sidereal tracking on and off.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setTracking(long, boolean) method can be call.


boolean canMoveAxis(TelescopeAxis axis)
Returns TRUE if the telescope can move the requested axis.

axis - Primary, secondary or tertiary axis.
TRUE if the telescope can move the requested axis.


boolean canSetRightAscensionRate()
Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setRightAscensionRate(long, double) method can be call to provide offset tracking in the right ascension axis.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setRightAscensionRate(long, double) method can be call.


boolean canSetDeclinationRate()
Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setDeclinationRate(long, double) method can be call to provide offset tracking in the declination axis.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setDeclinationRate(long, double) method can be call.


boolean canSlewAltAz()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) to local horizontal coordinates.

If this is TRUE, then only the synchronous local horizontal slewing methods are guaranteed to be supported. See the canSlewAltAzAsync() method for the asynchronous slewing capability flag.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing to local horizontal coordinates.


boolean canSlewAltAzAsync()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing to local horizontal coordinates.

This indicates the the asynchronous local horizontal slewing methods are supported. If this is TRUE, then canSlewAltAz() will also be TRUE.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing to local horizontal coordinates.


boolean canSlew()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) to equatorial coordinates.

If this is TRUE, then only the synchronous equatorial slewing methods are guaranteed to be supported. See the canSlewAsync() method for the asynchronous slewing capability flag.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing to equatorial coordinates.


boolean canSlewAsync()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing to equatorial coordinates.

This indicates the the asynchronous equatorial slewing methods are supported. If this is TRUE, then canSlew() will also be TRUE.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing to equatorial coordinates.


boolean canSyncAltAz()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed synching to local horizontal coordinates.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed synching to local horizontal coordinates.


boolean canSync()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed synching to equatorial coordinates.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed synching to equatorial coordinates.


boolean canSetPierSide()
Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setSideOfPier(long, TelescopePierSide) method can be call, meaning that the mount can be forced to flip.

This will always return FALSE for non-German-equatorial mounts that do not have to be flipped.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setSideOfPier(long, TelescopePierSide) method can be call.


boolean canPulseGuide()
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of software-pulsed guiding (via the TelescopeOrbProcess.pulseGuide(long, TelescopeGuideDirection, int) method).

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if this telescope is capable of software-pulsed guiding.


boolean canSetGuideRates()
Returns TRUE if the guide rate properties used for TelescopeOrbProcess.pulseGuide(long, TelescopeGuideDirection, int) can be adjusted.

May raise an error if the telescope is not connected.

TRUE if the guide rate properties can be adjusted.

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