Interface TelescopeFeatures

public interface TelescopeFeatures

Object representing all features of a telescope.

Jean-Philippe MINETTI

Method Summary
 TelescopeAlignmentMode getAlignmentMode()
          Returns the alignment mode of the telescope mount.
 TelescopeEquatorialCoordinateType getEquatorialSystem()
          Returns the equatorial coordinate system used by this telescope.

Method Detail


TelescopeAlignmentMode getAlignmentMode()
Returns the alignment mode of the telescope mount. Can be NULL if the alignment mode is unknown.

Alignment mode of the telescope mount.


TelescopeEquatorialCoordinateType getEquatorialSystem()
Returns the equatorial coordinate system used by this telescope.

Most amateur telescopes use local topocentric coordinates. This coordinate system is simply the apparent position in the sky (possibly uncorrected for atmospheric refraction) for "here and now", thus these are the coordinates that one would use with digital setting circles and most amateur scopes. More sophisticated telescopes use one of the standard reference systems established by professional astronomers. The most common is the Julian Epoch 2000 (J2000). These instruments apply corrections for precession, nutation, abberration, etc. to adjust the coordinates from the standard system to the pointing direction for the time and location of "here and now".

Equatorial coordinate system used by this telescope.

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