Interface FocuserCapabilities

public interface FocuserCapabilities

Object representing all capabilities of a focuser.

Jean-Philippe MINETTI

Method Summary
 int getMaxIncrement()
          Returns the maximum increment size allowed by the focuser; i.e. the maximum number of steps allowed in one move operation.
 int getMaxStep()
          Returns the maximum step position permitted.
 boolean isAbsolute()
          Returns TRUE if the focuser is capable of absolute position; that is, being commanded to a specific step location.
 boolean isTempCompAvailable()
          Returns TRUE if focuser has temperature compensation available.

Method Detail


boolean isAbsolute()
Returns TRUE if the focuser is capable of absolute position; that is, being commanded to a specific step location.

Must be implemented.

TRUE if the focuser is capable of absolute position.
NotConnectedException - If the driver must be connected in order to determine the property value.
DriverException - Must throw an exception if the call was not successful.


int getMaxStep()
Returns the maximum step position permitted.

Must be implemented.

The focuser can step between 0 and maxStep. If an attempt is made to move the focuser beyond these limits, it will automatically stop at the limit.

Maximum step position permitted.
NotConnectedException - If the device is not connected and this information is only available when connected.
DriverException - Must throw an exception if the call was not successful.


int getMaxIncrement()
Returns the maximum increment size allowed by the focuser; i.e. the maximum number of steps allowed in one move operation.

Must be implemented.

For most focusers this is the same as the return value by getMaxStep() method. This is normally used to limit the Increment display in the host software.

Maximum increment size allowed by the focuser.
NotConnectedException - If the device is not connected and this information is only available when connected.
DriverException - Must throw an exception if the call was not successful.


boolean isTempCompAvailable()
Returns TRUE if focuser has temperature compensation available.

Must be implemented.

Will be TRUE only if the focuser's temperature compensation can be turned on and off via the FocuserOrbProcess.setTempComp(long, boolean) method.

TRUE if focuser has temperature compensation available.
NotConnectedException - If the device is not connected and this information is only available when connected.
DriverException - Must throw an exception if the call was not successful.

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