abortExposure(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Aborts the current exposure, if any, and returns the camera to Idle state.
abortSlew(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Immediately cancels current dome operation.
abortSlew(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Stops a slew in progress.
action(long, String, String) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Invokes the specified device-specific action.
add(String, int, int, double, int, int, double, short) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.ObservingSiteDaoOrbProcess


CameraAdjustableGainCapabilities - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing the gain capabilities of a camera with a min and max integer value which specify a valid range.
CameraCapabilities - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing all capabilities of a camera.
CameraCharacteristics - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing all characteristics of a camera.
CameraDslrGainCapabilities - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing the gain capabilities for DSLR cameras.
CameraGainCapabilities - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing the gain capabilities of a camera.
CameraOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on cameras.
CameraStatus - Enum in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type
Camera status.
canAbortExposure() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the camera can abort exposures; FALSE if not.
canAsymmetricBin() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the camera supports asymmetric binning.
canFastReadout() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the camera has a fast readout mode.
canFindHome() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.DomeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if driver can do a search for home position.
canFindHome() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed finding its home position ( TelescopeOrbProcess.findHome(long) method).
canGetCoolerPower() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the camera's cooler power setting can be read.
canMoveAxis(TelescopeAxis) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the telescope can move the requested axis.
canPark() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.DomeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if driver is capable of rotating dome in azimuth to park position.
canPark() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed parking ( TelescopeOrbProcess.park(long) method).
canPulseGuide() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the camera supports pulse guiding.
canPulseGuide() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of software-pulsed guiding (via the TelescopeOrbProcess.pulseGuide(long, TelescopeGuideDirection, int) method).
canReverse() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.RotatorCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the rotator supports the RotatorOrbProcess.setReverse(long, boolean) method.
canSetAltitude() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.DomeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if driver is capable of setting dome altitude.
canSetAzimuth() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.DomeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if driver is capable of setting dome azimuth.
canSetCcdTemperature() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns TRUE the camera supports setting the CCD temperature.
canSetDeclinationRate() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setDeclinationRate(long, double) method can be call to provide offset tracking in the declination axis.
canSetGuideRates() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the guide rate properties used for TelescopeOrbProcess.pulseGuide(long, TelescopeGuideDirection, int) can be adjusted.
canSetPark() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.DomeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if driver can set the dome park position.
canSetPark() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed setting of its park position ( TelescopeOrbProcess.setPark(long) method).
canSetPierSide() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setSideOfPier(long, TelescopePierSide) method can be call, meaning that the mount can be forced to flip.
canSetRightAscensionRate() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setRightAscensionRate(long, double) method can be call to provide offset tracking in the right ascension axis.
canSetShutter() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.DomeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if driver is capable of automatically operating shutter.
canSetTracking() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the TelescopeOrbProcess.setTracking(long, boolean) method can be call, turning telescope sidereal tracking on and off.
canSlave() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.DomeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the dome hardware supports slaving to a telescope.
canSlew() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) to equatorial coordinates.
canSlewAltAz() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed slewing (synchronous or asynchronous) to local horizontal coordinates.
canSlewAltAzAsync() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing to local horizontal coordinates.
canSlewAsync() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed asynchronous slewing to equatorial coordinates.
canStopExposure() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the camera can stop an exposure that is in progress.
canSync() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed synching to equatorial coordinates.
canSyncAltAz() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed synching to local horizontal coordinates.
canSyncAzimuth() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.DomeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if driver is capable of synchronizing the dome azimuth position using the DomeOrbProcess.syncToAzimuth(long, double) method.
canUnpark() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeCapabilities
Returns TRUE if this telescope is capable of programmed unparking ( TelescopeOrbProcess.park(long) method).
ClientCallbackOrbHandler - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback
Object passed by clients for receive all callbacks from server.
ClientOrbCallback - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback
Callback used by the server for send handling to clients.
closeShutter(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Closes shutter or otherwise shield telescope from the sky.
commandBlind(long, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Transmits an arbitrary string to the device and does not wait for a response.
commandBoolean(long, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Transmits an arbitrary string to the device and waits for a boolean response.
commandString(long, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Transmits an arbitrary string to the device and waits for a string response.
compare(HorizontalCoordinates, HorizontalCoordinates) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.HorizonLimits.CoordinatesComparator
compareTo(Coordinate) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
compareTo(Coordinate) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
compareTo(Coordinate) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
compareTo(ObservingSite) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
computeRoundtripDelay(long) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TimeSynchronization
Computes and returns the round-trip delay time.
computeTimeOffset(long) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TimeSynchronization
Computes and returns the time offset between the client and the server.
Coordinate - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate
Immutable object representing a coordinate.
CoordinateFormat - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format
Object for formatting a coordinate.
CoordinateFormat() - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Hidden constructor.


DecimalCoordinate - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate
Immutable object representing a coordinate stored as decimal degrees (DD).
DecimalCoordinate(boolean, double) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
DecimalCoordinateFormat - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format
Object for formatting a coordinate as decimal (DD).
DecimalCoordinateFormat(boolean, Locale, double) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.DecimalCoordinateFormat
Hidden constructor.
destinationSideOfPier(long, double, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Predicts side of pier for German equatorial mounts.
DeviceNode - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device
Node of device tree.
DeviceNode(DeviceNode, String, DeviceSignature, Collection<DeviceNode>) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceNode
DeviceOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
Abstract ORB process on: telescopes, cameras, filter wheels, focusers, rotators, domes, safety monitors.
DeviceSignature - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device
Signature used for recognize a device.
DeviceStatusClientOrbCallback - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback
Callback for notify all connection/disconnection of device.
DomeCapabilities - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing all capabilities of a dome.
DomeOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on domes.


Entity - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing any entity with only an identifier and a name.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
equals(Object) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
equals(Object) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
equals(Object) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.EquatorialCoordinates
equals(Object) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.HorizontalCoordinates
equals(Object) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
EquatorialCoordinates - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system
Immutable object representing the equatorial coordinates of a celestial position.
EquatorialCoordinates(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.EquatorialCoordinates
evaluateGeographicPrecision(double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Evaluates and returns the precision that must have a geographic coordinate to achieve a given level of resolution.


FilterWheelOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on filter wheels.
find() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.ObservingSiteDaoOrbProcess
Finds and returns all observing sites as entity list.
find(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.ObservingSiteDaoOrbProcess
Finds and returns an observing site by its identifier.
findHome(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Starts operation to search for the dome home position.
findHome(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Locates the telescope's "home" position (synchronous).
FocuserCapabilities - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing all capabilities of a focuser.
FocuserCharacteristics - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing all characteristics of a focuser.
FocuserOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on focusers.
format(Coordinate) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Formats a coordinate to produce a string.
format(Coordinate) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.DecimalCoordinateFormat
format(Coordinate) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.SexagesimalCoordinateFormat
format(Coordinate) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.SexagesimalGeographicCoordinateFormat


GeographicCoordinates - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system
Object representing the coordinates of a geographic position in WGS84 system.
GeographicCoordinates() - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.GeographicCoordinates
getAlignmentMode() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeFeatures
Returns the alignment mode of the telescope mount.
getAltitude() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.HorizontalCoordinates
Returns the altitude a of the celestial position.
getAltitude(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Returns the dome altitude.
getAltitude(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the altitude above the local horizon of the telescope's current position (degrees, positive up).
getAngle() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.Coordinate
Returns the angle part of coordinate.
getAngle() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
getAngle() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
getAngle() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
getApertureArea() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeOpticalFeatures
Returns the area of the telescope's aperture, taking into account any obstructions.
getApertureDiameter() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeOpticalFeatures
Returns the telescope's effective aperture diameter.
getAxisRateList(long, TelescopeAxis) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Determine the rates at which the telescope may be moved about the specified axis by the TelescopeOrbProcess.moveAxis(long, TelescopeAxis, double) method.
getAzimuth() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.HorizontalCoordinates
Returns the azimuth A of the celestial position.
getAzimuth(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Returns the dome azimuth.
getAzimuth(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the azimuth at the local horizon of the telescope's current position (degrees, North-referenced, positive East/clockwise).
getBayerOffsetX() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCharacteristics
Returns the Bayer X offset index.
getBayerOffsetY() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCharacteristics
Returns the Y offset of the Bayer matrix, as defined in CameraOrbProcess.getSensorType(long).
getBinX(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the binning factor for the X axis.
getBinY(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the binning factor for the Y axis.
getBus() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceSignature
Returns the bus name where the device is connected.
getCameraOrbProcess() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the ORB process on cameras.
getCameraStatus(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the current camera operational state.
getCameraXSize() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCharacteristics
Returns the width of the CCD camera chip in unbinned pixels.
getCameraYSize() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCharacteristics
Returns the height of the CCD camera chip in unbinned pixels.
getCapabilities(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns all capabilities of a camera.
getCapabilities(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Returns all capabilities of a dome.
getCapabilities(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FocuserOrbProcess
Returns all capabilities of a focuser.
getCapabilities(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Returns all capabilities of a rotator.
getCapabilities(Locale, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns all capabilities of a telescope.
getCcdTemperature(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the current CCD temperature.
getCharacteristics(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns all characteristics of a camera.
getCharacteristics(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FocuserOrbProcess
Returns all characteristics of a focuser.
getCharacteristics(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Returns all characteristics of a rotator.
getChildren() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceNode
Returns the child nodes.
getCoolerPower(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the present cooler power level.
getCoordinatesList() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.HorizonLimits
Returns the list of horizontale coordinates forming the limits of horizon.
getDecimalAltitudeInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for altitude a (horizontal coordinate) as decimal format.
getDecimalAzimuthInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for azimuth A (horizontal coordinate) as decimal format.
getDecimalDeclinationInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for declination δ (equatorial coordinate) as decimal format.
getDecimalLatitudeInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for latitude φ (geographic coordinate) as decimal format.
getDecimalLongitudeInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for longitude λ (geographic coordinate) as decimal format.
getDecimalRightAscensionInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for right ascension α (equatorial coordinate) as decimal format.
getDeclination() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.EquatorialCoordinates
Returns the declination δ of the celestial position.
getDeclination(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the declination (degrees) of the telescope's current equatorial coordinates, in the coordinate system given by the getCharacteristics(long).getEquatorialSystem() method.
getDeclinationRate(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the declination tracking rate (default = 0.0).
getDescription(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Returns a description of the driver, such as manufacturer and model number.
getDeviceBus() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.NewDeviceClientOrbCallback
Returns the bus name where the device is connected.
getDeviceDescription() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.NewDeviceClientOrbCallback
Returns the description of device.
getDeviceList() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Returns connected devices as entity list.
getDeviceName() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.DeviceStatusClientOrbCallback
Returns the name given to the device.
getDeviceName() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.NewDeviceClientOrbCallback
Returns the name given to the device.
getDeviceName(Locale, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Returns the name given to device.
getDeviceSerialNumber() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.NewDeviceClientOrbCallback
Returns the serial number of device or other data identifying the devices of the same product.
getDomeOrbProcess() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the ORB process on domes.
getDriverInfo() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Returns a descriptive and version information about AstroDevice Server.
getDriverVersion() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Returns a string containing only the major and minor version of the AstroDevice Server.
getElectronsPerAdu(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the gain of the camera in photoelectrons per A/D unit.
getElevation() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.GeographicCoordinates
Returns the elevation above mean sea level of the geographic position.
getElevation() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
getElevation(Locale) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess
Returns the elevation above mean sea level of the selected observing site.
getEquatorialSystem() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeFeatures
Returns the equatorial coordinate system used by this telescope.
getExposureMax() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns the maximum exposure time supported by CameraOrbProcess.startExposure(long, double, boolean).
getExposureMin() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns the minimum exposure time supported by CameraOrbProcess.startExposure(long, double, boolean).
getExposureResolution() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns the smallest increment in exposure time supported by CameraOrbProcess.startExposure(long, double, boolean).
getFeatures(Locale, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns all features of a telescope.
getFilterNames(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FilterWheelOrbProcess
Returns the name of each filter in the wheel.
getFilterWheelOrbProcess() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the ORB process on filter wheels.
getFocalLength() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeOpticalFeatures
Returns the telescope's focal length.
getFocuserOrbProcess() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the ORB process on focusers.
getFocusOffsets(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FilterWheelOrbProcess
Returns the focus offset of each filter in the wheel.
getFullWellCapacity(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the full well capacity of the camera, at the current camera settings (binning, SetupDialog settings, etc...).
getGain() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns the gains supported by the camera.
getGain(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns, versus the type of gain capabilities: an index into the getCapabilities(long).getGain().getGains() array for the selected camera gain.
getGainMax() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraAdjustableGainCapabilities
Returns the maximum gain value supported by the camera.
getGainMin() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraAdjustableGainCapabilities
Returns the minimum gain value supported by the camera.
getGains() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraDslrGainCapabilities
Returns the all gains supported by the camera.
getGuideRateDeclination(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the current declination movement rate offset for telescope guiding.
getGuideRateRightAscension(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the current Right Ascension movement rate offset for telescope guiding.
getHeatSinkTemperature(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the current heat sink temperature (called "ambient temperature" by some manufacturers).
getHorizonLimits() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
Returns the limits of horizon for the observing site (never NULL).
getHostname() - Method in exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopException
Returns the hostname where astroDeviceServer is hosted.
getId() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.Entity
Returns the entity identifier.
getId() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
Returns the observing site identifier.
getId(Locale) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess
Returns the identifier of selected observing site.
getIds() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.ObservingSiteDaoOrbProcess
Returns the identifiers of all observing site.
getImageArray(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns a safearray of int of size CameraOrbProcess.getNumX(long) * CameraOrbProcess.getNumY(long) containing the pixel values from the last exposure.
getImageArrayVariant(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns a safearray of Variant of size CameraOrbProcess.getNumX(long) * CameraOrbProcess.getNumY(long) containing the pixel values from the last exposure.
getInstanceName() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.ClientCallbackOrbHandler
Returns the name given to client instance.
getInstanceName(Locale) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the name given to astroDeviceServer instance.
getInterfaceVersion() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Returns the AstroDevice protocol version number that this device supports.
getLastExposureDuration(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the last exposure duration (i.e. shutter open time).
getLastExposureStartTime(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the last exposure start time.
getLatitude() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.GeographicCoordinates
Returns the latitude φ of the geographic position.
getLatitude() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
getLatitude(Locale) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess
Returns the latitude φ of the selected observing site.
getLifetime() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.NewDeviceClientOrbCallback
Returns the lifetime of callback in seconds.
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopException
getLocalSiderealTime(long) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.GeographicCoordinates
Returns the local sidereal time by the sidereal time at Greenwich meridian.
getLongitude() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.GeographicCoordinates
Returns the longitude λ of the geographic position.
getLongitude() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
getLongitude(Locale) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess
Returns the longitude λ of the selected observing site.
getMaxAdu() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCharacteristics
Returns the maximum ADU value the camera can produce.
getMaxBinX() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns the maximum allowed binning for the X camera axis.
getMaxBinY() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns the maximum allowed binning for the Y camera axis.
getMaximum() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeAxisRate
Returns the maximum rate.
getMaxIncrement() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.FocuserCapabilities
Returns the maximum increment size allowed by the focuser; i.e. the maximum number of steps allowed in one move operation.
getMaxStep() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.FocuserCapabilities
Returns the maximum step position permitted.
getMessage() - Method in exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopException
getMinimum() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TelescopeAxisRate
Returns the minimum rate.
getMinutes() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.Coordinate
Returns the minutes part of coordinate.
getMinutes() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
getMinutes() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
getMinutes() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
getName() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceNode
Returns the node name.
getName() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.Entity
Returns the entity name.
getName() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
Returns the name given to observing site.
getName(Locale) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess
Returns the name given to selected observing site.
getNumX(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the subframe width.
getNumY(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the subframe height.
getObservingSiteDaoOrbProcess() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the ORB process on observing sites.
getOpticalFeatures(Locale, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the optical features of a telescope.
getOriginateTime() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TimeSynchronization
Returns the start time of the request by the client (equivalent to the OT field of the NTP protocol).
getParent() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceNode
Returns the parent node.
getPercentCompleted(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns a value between 0 and 100% indicating the completeness of this operation.
getPixelSizeX() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCharacteristics
Returns the width of the CCD chip pixels.
getPixelSizeY() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCharacteristics
Returns the height of the CCD chip pixels.
getPluginName(Locale, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Returns the name given to astroDeviceServer plug-in responsible for managing the device.
getPluginsNames() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.NewDeviceClientOrbCallback
Returns the name of all possible plug-ins related to the device.
getPosition(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FilterWheelOrbProcess
Returns the current filter wheel position.
getPosition(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FocuserOrbProcess
Returns the current focuser position.
getPosition(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Returns the current instantaneous rotator position.
getProductDescription() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceSignature
Returns the product description of device.
getProductId() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceSignature
Returns an unique identifier identifying the device product.
getProductVersion() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceSignature
Returns the product version of device.
getProperties() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceSignature
Returns the map containing all properties of the device.
getProtocolVersion(Locale) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the version of communication protocol between clients and server.
getRadian() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.Coordinate
Returns the full value of the coordinate in radian.
getRadian() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
getRadian() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
getRadian() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
getReadoutMode(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns an index into the getCapabilities(long).getReadoutModes() array of string readout mode names indicating the camera's current readout mode.
getReadoutModes() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns a list of available readout modes.
getReceiveTime() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TimeSynchronization
Returns the receipt time of the request on the server (equivalent to the RT field of the NTP protocol).
getReverse(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the rotation and angular direction must be reversed for the optics.
getRightAscension() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.EquatorialCoordinates
Returns the right ascension α of the celestial position.
getRightAscension(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the right ascension (hours) of the telescope's current equatorial coordinates, in the coordinate system given by the getCharacteristics(long).getEquatorialSystem() method.
getRightAscensionRate(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the right ascension tracking rate offset from sidereal (default = 0.0).
getRotatorOrbProcess() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the ORB process on rotators.
getSafetyMonitorOrbProcess() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the ORB process on safety monitors.
getSeconds() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.Coordinate
Returns the seconds part of coordinate.
getSeconds() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
getSeconds() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
getSeconds() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
getSelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the ORB process on selected observing sites.
getSensorName() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCharacteristics
Returns the name of sensor used within the camera.
getSensorType(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the type of colour information returned by the the camera sensor.
getSerialNumber() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceSignature
Returns the serial number of device or other data identifying the devices of the same product.
getServerName() - Method in exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopException
Returns the name given to astroDeviceServer instance.
getServerVersion(Locale) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the version of astroDeviceServer.
getSetCcdTemperature(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the camera cooler setpoint.
getSexagesimalAltitudeInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for altitude a (horizontal coordinate) as sexagesimal format.
getSexagesimalAzimuthInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for azimuth A (horizontal coordinate) as sexagesimal format.
getSexagesimalDeclinationInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for declination δ (equatorial coordinate) as sexagesimal format.
getSexagesimalLatitudeInstance(double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for latitude φ (geographic coordinate) as sexagesimal format.
getSexagesimalLongitudeInstance(double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for longitude λ (geographic coordinate) as sexagesimal format.
getSexagesimalRightAscensionInstance(Locale, double) - Static method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.CoordinateFormat
Creates and returns an instance of CoordinateFormat for right ascension α (equatorial coordinate) as sexagesimal format.
getShutterStatus(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Returns the status of the dome shutter or roll-off roof.
getSideOfPier(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the pointing state of the mount.
getSiderealTime(long, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the synchronization of local apparent sidereal time from the telescope's internal clock (nanoseconds, sidereal).
getSignature() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceNode
Returns the signature used for recognize the device.
getSiteElevation(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the elevation above mean sea level of the site at which the telescope is located.
getSiteLatitude(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the geodetic(map) latitude of the site at which the telescope is located.
getSiteLongitude(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the longitude of the site at which the telescope is located.
getSlewSettleTime(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the post-slew settling time.
getStartX(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the subframe start position for the X axis (0 based).
getStartY(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns the subframe start position for the Y axis (0 based).
getStepSize() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.FocuserCharacteristics
Returns the step size for the focuser.
getStepSize() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.RotatorCharacteristics
Returns the minimum step size.
getSupportedActions(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Returns the list of action names supported by this driver.
getTargetDeclination(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the declination for the target of an equatorial slew or sync operation.
getTargetPosition(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Returns the destination position angle for RotatorOrbProcess.move(long, float) and RotatorOrbProcess.moveAbsolute(long, float).
getTargetRightAscension(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the right ascension for the target of an equatorial slew or sync operation.
getTelescopeOrbProcess() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Returns the ORB process on telescopes.
getTemperature(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FocuserOrbProcess
Returns the current ambient temperature as measured by the focuser.
getTrackingRate(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the current tracking rate of the telescope's sidereal drive.
getTrackingRates(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns a list of supported TelescopeDriveRate values that describe the permissible values of the TelescopeOrbProcess.getTrackingRate(long)/ TelescopeOrbProcess.setTrackingRate(long, TelescopeDriveRate) methods for this telescope type.
getTransmitTime() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TimeSynchronization
Returns the transmission time of the response by the server (equivalent to the TT field of the NTP protocol).
getUserLongMessage() - Method in exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopException
Returns the long description to the user about the exception.
getUserShortMessage() - Method in exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopException
Returns the short description to the user about the exception.
getUserSolution() - Method in exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopException
Returns the message to the user for resolve the exception.
getUtcDate(long, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the synchronization of UTC date/time of the telescope's internal clock.
getValue() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.Coordinate
Returns the full value of the coordinate.
getValue() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
getValue() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
getValue() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate


halt(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FocuserOrbProcess
Immediately stops any focuser motion due to a previous FocuserOrbProcess.move(long, int) method call.
halt(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Immediately stops any rotator motion due to a previous RotatorOrbProcess.move(long, float) or RotatorOrbProcess.moveAbsolute(long, float) method call.
handle(ClientOrbCallback) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.ClientCallbackOrbHandler
Sends of handling by the server to a client.
hashCode() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
hashCode() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
hashCode() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
hashCode() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.EquatorialCoordinates
hashCode() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.HorizontalCoordinates
hashCode() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
hasShutter() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.CameraCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the camera has a mechanical shutter.
HorizonLimits - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing a limits of horizon at observing site.
HorizonLimits() - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.HorizonLimits
HorizonLimits.CoordinatesComparator - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Comparator for horizontal coordinates sorting.
HorizonLimits.CoordinatesComparator() - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.HorizonLimits.CoordinatesComparator
HorizontalCoordinates - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system
Immutable object representing the horizontal coordinates of a celestial position.
HorizontalCoordinates(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.HorizontalCoordinates


IiopBusinessException - Exception in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception
Remote business exception produced by astroDeviceServer.
IiopBusinessException(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopBusinessException
IiopException - Exception in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception
Base class of all remote exceptions produced by astroDeviceServer.
IiopException(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopException
Hidden constructor (abstract class).
IiopTechnicalException - Exception in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception
Remote technical exception produced by astroDeviceServer.
IiopTechnicalException(String, String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopTechnicalException
isAbsolute() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.FocuserCapabilities
Returns TRUE if the focuser is capable of absolute position; that is, being commanded to a specific step location.
isAtHome(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the dome is in the home position.
isAtHome(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the telescope is stopped in the home position.
isConnected() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.DeviceStatusClientOrbCallback
Returns TRUE if the device has been connected.
isConnected(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Checks whether the device is connected.
isCoolerOn(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the camera cooler is on.
isDoesRefraction(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the telescope or driver applies atmospheric refraction to coordinates.
isFastReadout(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns TRUE for fast readout mode, FALSE for normal mode.
isHourAngle() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.Coordinate
Returns TRUE if the coordinate is an hour angle and therefore expressed in hours (not in degrees).
isHourAngle() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
isHourAngle() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
isHourAngle() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
isImageReady(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the image is ready to be downloaded fom the camera.
isMoving(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FocuserOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the focuser is currently moving to a new position.
isMoving(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the rotator is currently moving.
isParked(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the dome is in the programmed park position.
isParked(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the telescope has been put into the parked state by the TelescopeOrbProcess.park(long) method.
isPulseGuiding(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the camera is currrently in a pulseGuide operation.
isPulseGuiding(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if a TelescopeOrbProcess.pulseGuide(long, TelescopeGuideDirection, int) command is in progress, FALSE otherwise.
isSafe(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SafetyMonitorOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the state is safe, FALSE if it is unsafe.
isSlaved(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the dome is slaved to the telescope in its hardware, else FALSE.
isSlewing(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if any part of the dome is currently moving, FALSE if all dome components are steady.
isSlewing(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if telescope is currently moving in response to one of the Slew methods or the TelescopeOrbProcess.moveAxis(long, TelescopeAxis, double) method, FALSE at all other times.
isTempComp(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FocuserOrbProcess
Returns TRUE if the temperature compensation mode is enabled.
isTempCompAvailable() - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.FocuserCapabilities
Returns TRUE if focuser has temperature compensation available.
isTracking(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Returns the state of the telescope's sidereal tracking drive.


move(long, int) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FocuserOrbProcess
Moves the focuser by the specified amount or to the specified position depending on the return value of the getCapabilities(long).isAbsolute() method.
move(long, float) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Causes the rotator to move position degrees relative to the current RotatorOrbProcess.getPosition(long) value.
moveAbsolute(long, float) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Causes the rotator to move the absolute position of RotatorOrbProcess.getPosition(long) degrees.
moveAxis(long, TelescopeAxis, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Moves the telescope in one axis at the given rate.


NewDeviceClientOrbCallback - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback
Callback for name a new device and select this plug-in if necessary.


ObservingSite - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing an observing site on Earth.
ObservingSite() - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
ObservingSite(GeographicCoordinates) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
ObservingSite(String, Coordinate, Coordinate, short, HorizonLimits) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
ObservingSiteDaoOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on observing sites.
openShutter(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Open shutter or otherwise expose telescope to the sky.
OrbProcessName - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
Class containing the names of all ORB processes.
org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate - package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate
org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format - package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format
org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system - package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system
org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device - package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device
org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object - package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb - package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback - package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback
org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception - package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception
org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type - package org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type


park(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Rotates dome in azimuth to park position.
park(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Moves the telescope to its park position, stop all motion (or restrict to a small safe range), and set TelescopeOrbProcess.isParked(long) to TRUE.
persist(ObservingSite) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.ObservingSiteDaoOrbProcess
Persists a new observing site.
PLATFORM_PROCESS_NAME - Static variable in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.OrbProcessName
ORB PROCESS NAME CONSTANT: Process on AstroDevice platform.
PlatformOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on AstroDevice platform.
pulseGuide(long, TelescopeGuideDirection, int) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Activates the camera's mount control sytem to instruct the mount to move in a particular direction for a given period of time.
pulseGuide(long, TelescopeGuideDirection, int) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Moves the scope in the given direction for the given interval or time at the rate given by the corresponding TelescopeOrbProcess.getGuideRateRightAscension(long) and TelescopeOrbProcess.getGuideRateDeclination(long) methods.


RadianCoordinate - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate
Immutable object representing a coordinate stored as radian.
RadianCoordinate(boolean, double) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
register(ClientCallbackOrbHandler) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Register a ClientCallbackOrbHandler to server.
remove(ObservingSite) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.ObservingSiteDaoOrbProcess
Removes an observing site.
RotatorCapabilities - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing all capabilities of a rotator.
RotatorCharacteristics - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing all characteristics of a rotator.
RotatorOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on rotators.


SafetyMonitorOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on safety monitors.
select(Locale, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess
Selects an observing site.
SELECTED_OBSERVING_SITE_PROCESS_NAME - Static variable in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.OrbProcessName
ORB PROCESS NAME CONSTANT: Process on selected observing site.
SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on selected observing site.
selectedPlugin(int) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.NewDeviceClientOrbCallback
Selects a plug-in related to the device by its index into NewDeviceClientOrbCallback.getPluginsNames().
SensorType - Enum in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type
Sensor type (identifies the type of colour sensor).
setBinX(long, short) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets the binning factor for the X axis.
setBinY(long, short) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets the binning factor for the Y axis.
setConnected(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Sets TRUE to connect to the device.
setCoolerOn(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets TRUE if the camera cooler is on.
setDeclinationRate(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the declination tracking rate.
setDeviceName(String) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.callback.NewDeviceClientOrbCallback
Sets the name given to the device.
setDoesRefraction(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets TRUE if the telescope or driver applies atmospheric refraction to coordinates.
setElevation(short) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
Sets the elevation above mean sea level of the geographic position.
setFastReadout(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets TRUE for fast readout mode, FALSE for normal mode.
setGain(long, short) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets, versus the type of gain capabilities: the index into the getCapabilities(long).getGain().getGains() array for the selected camera gain.
setGuideRateDeclination(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the current declination movement rate offset for telescope guiding.
setGuideRateRightAscension(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the current Right Ascension movement rate offset for telescope guiding.
setLatitude(Coordinate) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
Sets the latitude φ of the geographic position.
setLongitude(Coordinate) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
Sets the longitude λ of the geographic position.
setName(String) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
Sets the name given to observing site.
setNumX(long, int) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets the subframe width.
setNumY(long, int) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets the subframe height.
setOpticalCharacteristics(Locale, long, TelescopeOpticalFeatures) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the optical features for a telescope.
setPark(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Sets the current azimuth, altitude position of dome to be the park position.
setPark(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the telescope's park position to be its current position.
setPosition(long, short) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FilterWheelOrbProcess
Sets the current filter wheel position.
setReverse(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.RotatorOrbProcess
Sets TRUE if the rotation and angular direction must be reversed for the optics.
setRightAscensionRate(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the right ascension tracking rate offset from sidereal.
setSetCcdTemperature(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets the the camera cooler setpoint.
setSideOfPier(long, TelescopePierSide) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the pointing state of the mount.
setSiteElevation(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the elevation above mean sea level of the site at which the telescope is located.
setSiteLatitude(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the geodetic(map) latitude of the site at which the telescope is located.
setSiteLongitude(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the longitude of the site at which the telescope is located.
setSlaved(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Sets TRUE if the dome is slaved to the telescope in its hardware, else FALSE.
setSlewSettleTime(long, short) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the post-slew settling time.
setStartX(long, int) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets the subframe start position for the X axis (0 based).
setStartY(long, int) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Sets the subframe start position for the Y axis (0 based).
setTargetDeclination(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the declination for the target of an equatorial slew or sync operation.
setTargetRightAscension(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the right ascension for the target of an equatorial slew or sync operation.
setTempComp(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.FocuserOrbProcess
Sets TRUE for enable the temperature compensation mode.
setTracking(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets the state of the telescope's sidereal tracking drive.
setTrackingRate(long, TelescopeDriveRate) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Sets a new tracking rate of the telescope's sidereal drive.
setUtcDate(long, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Changes the UTC date/time of the telescope's internal clock.
SexagesimalCoordinate - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate
Immutable object representing a coordinate stored as degrees-minutes-seconds (DMS).
SexagesimalCoordinate(boolean, int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
SexagesimalCoordinateFormat - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format
Object for formatting a coordinate as degrees-minutes-seconds (DMS).
SexagesimalCoordinateFormat(boolean, Locale, double) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.SexagesimalCoordinateFormat
Hidden constructor.
SexagesimalGeographicCoordinateFormat - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format
Object for formatting a geographic coordinate as degrees-minutes-seconds (DMS).
SexagesimalGeographicCoordinateFormat(String, String, double) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.SexagesimalGeographicCoordinateFormat
Hidden constructor.
showSetupDialog(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DeviceOrbProcess
Launches a configuration dialog box for the driver.
ShutterStatus - Enum in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type
Dome shutter status.
slewToAltAz(long, double, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Moves the telescope to the given local horizontal coordinates, return when slew is complete.
slewToAltAzAsync(long, double, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
This method must be implemented if getCapabilities(long).canSlewAltAzAsync() returns TRUE.
slewToAltitude(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Slews the dome to the given altitude position.
slewToAzimuth(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Slews the dome to the given azimuth position.
slewToCoordinates(long, double, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Moves the telescope to the given equatorial coordinates, return when slew is complete.
slewToCoordinatesAsync(long, double, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Moves the telescope to the given equatorial coordinates, return immediately after starting the slew.
slewToTarget(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Moves the telescope to the TelescopeOrbProcess.getTargetRightAscension(long) and TelescopeOrbProcess.getTargetDeclination(long) coordinates, return when slew complete.
slewToTargetAsync(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Moves the telescope to the TelescopeOrbProcess.getTargetRightAscension(long) and TelescopeOrbProcess.getTargetDeclination(long) coordinates, returns immediately after starting the slew.
startExposure(long, double, boolean) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Starts an exposure.
stopExposure(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.CameraOrbProcess
Stops the current exposure, if any.
synchronizeSiderealTime(Locale, long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess
Synchronizes the local apparent sidereal time at selected observing site.
syncToAltAz(long, double, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Matches the scope's local horizontal coordinates to the given local horizontal coordinates.
syncToAzimuth(long, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.DomeOrbProcess
Synchronizes the current position of the dome to the given azimuth.
syncToCoordinates(long, double, double) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Matches the scope's equatorial coordinates to the given equatorial coordinates.
syncToTarget(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Matches the scope's equatorial coordinates to the given equatorial coordinates.


TelescopeAlignmentMode - Enum in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type
Alignment mode of the telescope mount.
TelescopeAxis - Enum in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type
Telescope axes.
TelescopeAxisRate - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Describes a range of rates supported by the moveAxis(TelescopeAxis, double) method.
TelescopeCapabilities - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing all capabilities of a telescope.
TelescopeDriveRate - Enum in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type
Well-known telescope tracking rates.
TelescopeEquatorialCoordinateType - Enum in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type
Equatorial coordinate systems used by telescopes.
TelescopeFeatures - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing all features of a telescope.
TelescopeGuideDirection - Enum in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type
Direction in which the guide-rate motion is to be made.
TelescopeOpticalFeatures - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object representing the optical features of a telescope.
TelescopeOrbProcess - Interface in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb
ORB process on telescopes.
TelescopePierSide - Enum in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type
Pointing state of telescope mount.
TimeSynchronization - Class in org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object
Object containing all informations used for time synchronization.
TimeSynchronization(long, long, long) - Constructor for class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TimeSynchronization
toEquatorialCoordinates(HorizontalCoordinates, long) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.GeographicCoordinates
Returns a celestial position as equatorial coordinates.
toEquatorialCoordinates(Locale, HorizontalCoordinates) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess
Converts horizontal coordinates at the selected observing site in equatorial coordinates.
toHorizontalCoordinates(EquatorialCoordinates, long) - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.GeographicCoordinates
Returns a celestial position as horizontal coordinates.
toHorizontalCoordinates(Locale, EquatorialCoordinates) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.SelectedObservingSiteOrbProcess
Converts an equatorial coordinates in horizontal coordinates at the selected observing site.
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.DecimalCoordinate
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.DecimalCoordinateFormat
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.SexagesimalCoordinateFormat
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.format.SexagesimalGeographicCoordinateFormat
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.RadianCoordinate
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.SexagesimalCoordinate
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.EquatorialCoordinates
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.GeographicCoordinates
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.coordinate.system.HorizontalCoordinates
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.device.DeviceNode
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.ObservingSite
toString() - Method in class org.minetti.astrodevice.common.object.TimeSynchronization
toString() - Method in exception org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.exception.IiopException


unpark(long) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.TelescopeOrbProcess
Takes telescope out of the parked state.
unregister(ClientCallbackOrbHandler) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.PlatformOrbProcess
Unregister a ClientCallbackOrbHandler from server.
update(ObservingSite) - Method in interface org.minetti.astrodevice.common.orb.ObservingSiteDaoOrbProcess
Updates an observing site.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.CameraStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.SensorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.ShutterStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeAlignmentMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeAxis
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeDriveRate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeEquatorialCoordinateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeGuideDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopePierSide
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.CameraStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.SensorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.ShutterStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeAlignmentMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeAxis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeDriveRate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeEquatorialCoordinateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopeGuideDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.minetti.astrodevice.common.type.TelescopePierSide
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


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