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1   package org.minetti.astrodevice.server.usb.jni;
3   import org.minetti.astrodevice.server.usb.object.UsbDeviceSignature;
5   /**
6    * Object responsible for interfacing with the native library (<code>usb.dll</code> for MS Windows
7    * and <code></code> for Linux and Mac OS X).
8    * @author Jean-Philippe MINETTI
9    */
10  public final class UsbLibrary {
12  	static {
13  		System.loadLibrary("astroDeviceServer-usb");
14  	}
16  	/**
17  	 * Starts the monitoring of connection/disconnection of devices.
18  	 */
19  	public native void startPlugMonitoring ();
21  	/**
22  	 * Stops the monitoring of connection/disconnection of devices.
23  	 */
24  	public native void stopPlugMonitoring ();
26  	/**
27  	 * Handles an USB device connection.
28  	 * @param vendorId Vendor ID of USB device (must be between 0 and 65535). This corresponds to
29  	 *            <code>idVendor</code> field of USB specification (assigned by the USB-IF).
30  	 * @param productId Product ID of USB device (must be between 0 and 65535). This corresponds to
31  	 *            <code>idProduct</code> field of USB specification (assigned by the manufacturer).
32  	 * @param manufacturerName Manufacturer name of USB device (must be less or equal than 127
33  	 *            characters). This corresponds to string indexed by the <code>iManufacturer</code>
34  	 *            field of USB specification.
35  	 * @param productName Product name of USB device (must be less or equal than 127 characters).
36  	 *            This corresponds to string indexed by the <code>iProduct</code> field of USB
37  	 *            specification.
38  	 * @param productVersion Product version of USB device (must be between 0 and 65535). This
39  	 *            corresponds to <code>bcdDevice</code> field of USB specification (assigned by the
40  	 *            manufacturer).
41  	 * @param serialNumber Serial number of USB device (must be less or equal than 127 characters).
42  	 *            This corresponds to string indexed by the <code>iSerialNumber</code> field of USB
43  	 *            specification.
44  	 * @param deviceClass Class code of USB device (must be between 0 and 255). This corresponds to
45  	 *            <code>bDeviceClass</code> field of USB specification (assigned by the USB-IF).
46  	 * @param deviceSubClass Subclass code of USB device (must be between 0 and 255). This
47  	 *            corresponds to <code>bDeviceSubClass</code> field of USB specification (assigned
48  	 *            by the USB-IF).
49  	 * @param deviceProtocol Protocol code of USB device (must be between 0 and 255). This
50  	 *            corresponds to <code>bDeviceProtocol</code> field of USB specification (assigned
51  	 *            by the USB-IF).
52  	 */
53  	@SuppressWarnings("unused")
54  	private void handleConnection (final int vendorId, final int productId, final String manufacturerName, final String productName, final int productVersion,
55  			final String serialNumber, final short deviceClass, final short deviceSubClass, final short deviceProtocol) {
56  		final UsbDeviceSignature deviceSignature = new UsbDeviceSignature(vendorId, productId, manufacturerName, productName, productVersion, serialNumber, deviceClass, deviceSubClass, deviceProtocol);
58  		// TODO
60  	}
62  	/**
63  	 * Handles an USB device disconnection.
64  	 * @param vendorId Vendor ID of USB device (must be between 0 and 65535). This corresponds to
65  	 *            <code>idVendor</code> field of USB specification (assigned by the USB-IF).
66  	 * @param productId Product ID of USB device (must be between 0 and 65535). This corresponds to
67  	 *            <code>idProduct</code> field of USB specification (assigned by the manufacturer).
68  	 * @param manufacturerName Manufacturer name of USB device (must be less or equal than 127
69  	 *            characters). This corresponds to string indexed by the <code>iManufacturer</code>
70  	 *            field of USB specification.
71  	 * @param productName Product name of USB device (must be less or equal than 127 characters).
72  	 *            This corresponds to string indexed by the <code>iProduct</code> field of USB
73  	 *            specification.
74  	 * @param productVersion Product version of USB device (must be between 0 and 65535). This
75  	 *            corresponds to <code>bcdDevice</code> field of USB specification (assigned by the
76  	 *            manufacturer).
77  	 * @param serialNumber Serial number of USB device (must be less or equal than 127 characters).
78  	 *            This corresponds to string indexed by the <code>iSerialNumber</code> field of USB
79  	 *            specification.
80  	 * @param deviceClass Class code of USB device (must be between 0 and 255). This corresponds to
81  	 *            <code>bDeviceClass</code> field of USB specification (assigned by the USB-IF).
82  	 * @param deviceSubClass Subclass code of USB device (must be between 0 and 255). This
83  	 *            corresponds to <code>bDeviceSubClass</code> field of USB specification (assigned
84  	 *            by the USB-IF).
85  	 * @param deviceProtocol Protocol code of USB device (must be between 0 and 255). This
86  	 *            corresponds to <code>bDeviceProtocol</code> field of USB specification (assigned
87  	 *            by the USB-IF).
88  	 */
89  	@SuppressWarnings("unused")
90  	private void handleDisconnection (final int vendorId, final int productId, final String manufacturerName, final String productName, final int productVersion,
91  			final String serialNumber, final short deviceClass, final short deviceSubClass, final short deviceProtocol) {
92  		final UsbDeviceSignature deviceSignature = new UsbDeviceSignature(vendorId, productId, manufacturerName, productName, productVersion, serialNumber, deviceClass, deviceSubClass, deviceProtocol);
94  		// TODO
96  	}
98  	/**
99  	 * Loads the device tree.
100 	 * @param builder Builder of device tree.
101 	 */
102 	public native void loadDeviceTree (final UsbDeviceTreeBuilder builder);
104 }